Sunday, August 07, 2005


The Pastor at Northpark made a very good point today. When the rich man came to him and asked what he needed to do to follow God (God told him to give up all belongings and follow him), Jesus didn't chase him when he chose not to. Jesus let the rich man choose, and respected that choice regardless of what it was. He respected freewill.

Why is this important for me? Because all my years growing up, I felt like I had failed whenever I had a friend or family member not take Jesus as their saviour. I was always taught it was my job to go out and make Christians. Its not. Its my job to simply witness through my words and action. It is the Holy Spirit who opens hearts.

The problem with believing it is your job to make Christians, is when do you stop talking about it? These are my friends and family, but I can't shove it down there throats. And I never wanted to. It is and has always been their decision. But for years I would feel bad when I was around someone who wasn't a Christian, just because I wasn't talking about Jesus. That is why the Pastor's point is so important. We are to respect each individual's decision regardless of the outcome. So if you talk to someone and they choose not to follow Jesus, its ok. You did what God wanted you to.

Don't be mistaken. You continue to witness to that person, just not necessarily through words. Live a life where they can see Jesus in all that you do. Be true to who you are. The good and the bad. Just make sure you Love those around you and God will make you the witness he wants you to be.


At 4:42 AM, Blogger will said...

yep - you are right steve. tell others about jesus and if you have to use words. keep up the good posts - soon i will be in the groove and will start posting more on mine.


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