Sunday, July 17, 2005

Like the title says......

Becoming a Christian isn't hard, living like Jesus is. He doesn't require us to be perfect or sinless to accept us. All you have to do is ask him into your heart and to forgive you of your sins. Jesus is the only one to ever be perfect, but I believe he wants us to try. I recently learned how truly hard that is to do.

I have been a Chrisitian since I was young. I knew what I was doing and was really excited about it. But I always relied on the Church to do my thinking. To show me how I should live. Its only been recent that I have discovered that I should have relied on Jesus and the Holy Spirit to guide my thought and behaviour. This may not sound like a big mistake, but I think it was. I followed the Church and kept myself away from things I thought were wrong. Most of which I still think are wrong, but I could have been around those things without being part of them. And that is a key problem in the church today, being outside the normal world. The Bible says you can be IN the world without being OF the world.

That is living like Jesus. Going out into the world. Making others understand you Love and care for them without conditions. To be able to walk through temptation without falling victim to it. Trying to be like Jesus, will teach you to appreciate how great he truly is.


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