Sunday, July 24, 2005


I never realized how hard it is to get back into a Church Routine. All through Highschool I had no problem with it. I guess because my parents made me do it when I was younger. But I let myself get out of the habit in College, not realizing how difficult it is to start back up. And here I am 7 years after college, still unable to get myself up and going.

The bad part is, I really want to. I have really enjoyed being in church in the last few weeks. And I feel so much better the rest of the week when I go. But my own laziness or lifestyle has kept me from it. I'm learning, that if I plan on going to Church on Sunday, I can't do much on Saturday. Or I just won't get up. And that I believe is a key to following Jesus. We have to learn to give up ourselves, our wants, and our lifestyles.

Now that sounds like you are giving up everything good or fun, but its not. What you really do, is learn that what Jesus taught, and what the Holy Spirit leads you to, it so much better. MUCH BETTER. Its true happiness. Its relational.

My joy and happiness doesn't come from going out or doing things, it comes from the relationships I have with others. My friends and family. Now I have only recently realized this, but it's true. And what Jesus teaches you is by building a relationship with him, you can learn how to have true relationships with both those you already know and love, as well as those you will only know briefly. And this is what makes life great.

So Remember, it is the people around you, the ones you love, that make the events in your life great.


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