Tuesday, July 19, 2005

Leap of Faith

I'm beginning to learn, that every time I take a step in faith, I gain a better understanding of how little I understand. Every moment studying the Bible is accompanied by questions I didn't have before. And only a few of my earlier questions getting answered. Thank you Jesus, for only requiring us to accept you as our saviour, and not having to understand you and your ultimate wisdom.

For me, this is God's plan. He wants us to not only grow in knowledge, but more importantly, in faith. He wants us to have faith like a child. But how can we do that after so many experiences? I can do so many things on my own that as I child I could not. So how do we have faith like a child?

It doesn't mean don't try to learn or understand God. What it means (for me) is to work on my relationship with Jesus. Because the closer I get or the more I understand, the more I realize that I understand so little. For every one answer, I have a hundred questions. But normally, that one answer helps my faith and love of Christ grow exponentially. So the more I learn, the less I understand, and the greater my faith. The Lord works in mysterious ways!!!!


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