Monday, January 09, 2006


It is so hard to figure out where to stop. What size house should you have? What type of car should you drive? Is a motorcycle excessive? Two? How about 2 vacations a year? Where is the line to stop buying things for yourself?

This is something I have been trying to figure out for awhile now. And every year, the more I get, the more I want. Its a horrible cycle. There is so much out there we shouldn't even care about. But we do. I do. And it saddens me.

I'm trying to beat it. I'm trying to not want all the extravigant things. But I fail. Cause I can afford the things I don't need. The things I don't really want, but strive for anyway. Its sad. I know it makes me sad. I can be so much more.

My present goal is to get the house and the yard finished where I can have what I want for the rest of my life. Or at least till the future kids are gone. But I am afraid that I am just making a mark in the future that I can press forward whenever I need to. I reach goal and then I just want a boat. Then I just want some land. Want Want Want Want Want.

But where is the give in that. Where is humanity helped by this? Its not. So much money spent for one man to be happy. There are so many people out there in need of help and I keep spending money on myself. So my new years resolution is to learn that you have to do what is right now. Not later. Now. Start giving now. Start sharing with others now. Its what Jesus wants us to do.


At 11:07 AM, Blogger KayJayPea said...

Now is definitely the time to be GIVING to others!!!

I think it's only human to WANT. It's one of our flaws that we need to strive to cultivate into the right wants... Not that I am one to talk because Lord knows I like things and stuff, but still... makes you stop and think.


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