Wednesday, February 08, 2006

"Your going to Hell"

At least that is what I was told last night. The bad part is that it was by a "fellow" Christian. She apparently wasn't very happy with me. I had her vehicle picked up with our wrecker and had the audacity to charge her for doing it. So she was mad. The threat of a lawyer didn't seem to scare me, so she moved to a more eternal threat. Yep, apparently I am going to hell.

The really sad part (since I am not really going to hell) is that she said she was a Christian. She first asked me if I went to Church. Yes I do. She then said that she was a Christian and she knew what I was doing was wrong. I told her if she names herself a Christian to prove her honesty, she is missing the point. Christians shouldn't use their faith to show superiority. We aren't superior. After a few minutes she proved my point. She said she knew I was going to Hell. Not because I didn't have faith, but because I was doing something she judged as wrong. I told her if she believed that she really didn't understand Jesus at all.

I have two points here. The first is to remember that if you go around proclaiming your Christianity. You faith in God and Jesus. You better remember you have a duty to be one. You have to forgive, be patient, and especially Love others. Even if they wrong you. Whether or not I was right to charge her, she was supposed to Love me anyway. And she didn't. She decided I was going to hell.

The second point is how important it is NOT TO JUDGE. She judged me on this one decision. She thought it was wrong, so she condemned me. So next time you see someone doing something you think is wrong, from cutting in line to homesexuality to greed to alcholism, know that you have no more right to judge them then they do to judge you for your sins. So forget their sins and Love them. That is the Christians job: TO LOVE.