Saturday, December 17, 2005


Understanding.  It is an interesting thing.  You normally get it when there is no reason for you to.  At least for me anyway.

I have learned that in order to gain true understanding or to grow, you must find ways to take yourself outside your comfort zone.  Is that easy?  Hell no.  I enjoy my comfort zone and the time I spend in it.  But I need to leave it.  I don’t grow in my own comfort zone.  I grow when I am uncomfortable or when I just plain don’t like where I am.  It isn’t easy, but I do it (or at least try to).

My point is, if you stay where you are comfortable, that is all you will get.  Comfort.  And I know that sounds good.  But it’s not.  It’s sad, actually.  It’s a life of knowing only one way. Only one direction.  And if you have looked around, there are thousands of directions.  Thousands of ways to live you life.  Not all good, but all a way of life.  

Now the Christian part.  The Jesus part.  He wants us to grow.  So how do we do that?  I believe we each should step out of what we know, out of our comfort zone, and find out what is out there.  No, you don’t have to do things you believe are wrong, but you do have to step beyond your boundaries.  Because everyone is drunk in the bar, doesn’t mean you have to be.  But to grow, you may need to be in that bar.  You may need to be around those people who choose a way of life different than yours.  And I say different than yours, not less than yours, not below yours, just simply different.  

I Love Jesus.  Saying it, praying it, sounds strange.  I mean, I’ve never seen Jesus.  I have never been beside Jesus in a physical sense.  I’ve never held his hand.  He’s never physically held mine.  But there he is Loving me.  Being next to me.  Loving me.  And I Love him.  And the strange part is that I don’t owe him.  He loves me.  He sacrificed for me.  And he did so to save me.  But not so I owe him.  He did it so that I could live a life for me.  A life he wanted me to have.  A life that is as much for me as it is for others. The truth is he died so that I could live  No, not a life in Heaven (although I will) but a life of heaven on earth.  Heaven on earth.  

Don’t get me wrong.  If we sit down and do the math, we owe Jesus.  MAN DO WE OWE JESUS.  But that isn’t what he wants.  I have a wonderful, amazing,  beautiful woman whom I just asked to marry me.  But however much I support her, however much I am there to support her and take care of her, I NEVER want her to owe me.  I do it out of Love.  Because she is my world.  I don’t want her to think she owes me anything.  I want her to know that all I do, I do out of Love.  Its no trade show.  No tit for tat.

I am beginning to learn, that the best way to understand Jesus is to focus on those relationships that mean the most to each of us.  Those relationships that bring us the most Joy.  The type of happiness that we just don’t understand.  The treat em bad but they still love us type of life.  Cause none of us treat Jesus or God with the Love and respect they deserve, but they still Love us.  I have NO idea why.  But that beauty.  That is God.  I’m baffled, and I’m a smart man. An educated man.  A man who should “know” better than to believe in something I cannot put my hand on.  But that Is why I believe.  Cause I know better.  Cause I know that logically a God, a being that someone can’t put their hands on, can’t make appear, can’t exist.  But he does.  Cause we all know (some don’t admit) that there is someone, something better, bigger, more intelligent, more beautiful, more amazing, more adjective, more adjective, more adjective than we could ever be.  Someone that actually cares more for others, than he/she (who knows) could ever possibly care for him/her self.